- Shy = lacking self-confidence
- Vain = Having too high an opinion of oneself
- Manipulative = Liking to change the rule
- Punctual = Happening or doing something at exactly the right time
- Bossy = Fond of giving orders
- Timid = Shy and not brave or self - confident
- Absent - Minded = With one's mind on other things ; forgetful
- Open - Minded = Willing to consider new ideas ; ready to entertain new ideas
- Like - Minded = Having the same opinions, attitudes
- Mindful = Giving thought to something ; bearing in mind
- Out - Going = Friendly and socially confident ; leaving a place or a position
- Persistent = Tenacious of position or purpose
- Talkactive = Liking to talk a lot
- Demanding = Needing much skill, effort
- Aggressive = Ready or likely to attack or confont
- Time - Wasting = Any action or non-action that keeps play from continuing or resuming within a reasonable period of time
- Organised = A person is tidy and keeps things in order
- Miserable = Very unhappy ; causing unhappiness
- Cheerful = Usually happy and smile a lot
- Nervous = Worried and rather afraid
- Hard working = A person that works a lot
- Lazy = Unwilling to work
- Rude = lacking civility or good manners
- Friendly = A person that easy to talk to and makes friends easily
- Honest = Usually tells the truth ; A person that usually tells you what he/she really thinks
Perspektif Mekanistik adalah sudut pandang dalam bidang kajian komunikasi yang melihat proses atau cara komunikasi itu terjadi. Seperti yang kita tahu, komunikasi tidak berlangsung dengan sendirinya. Terdapat proses di dalamnya sehingga dapat memunculkan suatu keefektifan komunikasi maupun terciptanya kesamaan pemahaman atau pengertian (mutual understanding). Perspektif mekanistis komunikasi manusia menekankan pada unsur fisik komunikasi, penyampaian dan penerimaan arus pesan oleh komunikan. Semua fungsi penting komunikasi terjadi pada saluran, lokus, perspektif mekanistis. (Diah F.K.S., 2009) Terdapat beberapa model komunikasi dalam perspektif mekanistik ini, antara lain: 1. Proses komunikasi secara primer Proses komunikasi ini merupakan komunikasi yang menggunakan satu lambang (simbol) sebagai media/saluran dalam penyampaian pesan dari komunikator terhadap komunikan. Saluran atau media di sini bisa saja lewat gesture , simbol, warna, dan lain-lain. Lambang di sin...
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